Title: Game Maker
Series: Game Series #2
Author: BJ Harvey
Genre: Romantic Comedy with Heat
I’m a gamer by nature and by profession. I’m all about strategy, performance, and coming out on top.
Five months ago I threw caution to the wind, and in the first miscalculated step of my twenty-one-year life, I made a move on my brother’s best friend.
The first mistake we made was keeping our relationship secret. The next was going off half-cocked when a train wreck of epic proportions hit us.
Now our secret is secret no more. As I struggle to deal with all of the swirling emotions, conflicted feelings, and the multitude of burned bridges that I need to mend, the one person who can help me through it all is the same man I need space from.
To fix it I’ll have to pull on my big-girl panties, focus on what I truly want in life, and put everything I have into winning the most important game I’ll ever play.
Life is a game, and it is what you make it.
Coming out unscathed is a whole other matter.
Buy Game Maker on iBooks HERE
A loud knock at the door interrupts me. My eyes widen, and
Abi quirks a brow. Turning to look through the peephole, she spins back around
with a huge grin on her face. “Well, well, well . . . I do believe you might
have a late night gentleman caller, Ms. Roberts. Should I let him in or make
him sweat?”
My heart has palpitations at the thought of Zach coming back
to me—for me. What on earth could he want at midnight on a Sunday after leaving
me pent up and speechless just twenty minutes ago?
Then the three shots of tequila kick in and feisty,
take-no-prisoners Dani comes out to play.
“Leave him out there,” I tell her.
Abi clutches her heart with one hand and wipes away a
non-existent tear with the other. “I’m so proud right now,” she says.
“Yeah, yeah . . .” I sweep my hand toward the door. “Don’t
you have a job and a penis to get back to?”
“Say penis again. It makes me hot when you go all grown-up
on me.”
“P. E. N. I. S,” I spell out, enunciating every letter.
He knocks again, and the look of absolute delight on Abi’s
face has me biting my lip to stifle my laughter.
“You’re going to have to put him out of his misery, Dan.
I’ll let him in, you can make him work hard for it, and kick him out and make
him work for it all over again,” she says with an amused glint in her eye.
“You’re evil, you know that?”
“You wouldn’t have me any other way, and besides, you can’t
make it too easy. He did the crime; he needs to do the time.”
“I know.”
“He’s on my shit list right now for making you cry.”
“He didn’t make me cry as such . . .”
“Almost is different from actually doing it.”
He knocks again. “I can hear you, you know.”
BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Bliss Series. She also regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer and a funny romance thinker upper.
An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute of it.
She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country in the world—New Zealand.